Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ups and Downs


So Drew and I had our first homestudy visit on Monday and it went very well! We have really tried to embrace everything that has gone on in the past month but it has been very stressful at times. We have been sending out huge portions of our paperwork to Gladney, our authenticator of our dossier and to the FBI and Immigration services for clearances.....most of what we have done has been good so far but we are having to do a few things over again and that is the most frustrating. I feel as though we put so much energy in to something and so much money and we just continue to take baby steps rather than long strides...we have made good progress but not as much as we would like (or maybe not as much as I like)! There is a lot of stuff that is out of our control now (i.e. waiting for clearances, background checks, agency licensing, homestudy review and so on). I guess it will just be a waiting game for about a year now :) We still have some paperwork to do and our final doctor visit and homestudy visit next week so I'm hoping we can get wait listed by the beginning of 2011!! Please pray for our paperwork to get through the stages appropriately and pray for our child who is in Africa awaiting to come home with us! :)

Love you all,

Jess & Drew


  1. You really have been moving through everything at lightning speed...especially for international adoption. My friend's homestudy process lasted 9 months due to the local agency's mistakes.

    the adoption process is very much like a rollar coaster and make peace now that there will be some glitches. But God is Sovereign, and He has your son! We will be praying that everything keeps going this smooth and that you get to bring your son home as soon as possible.

  2. It's God's timing. You never know, your son might not even be born yet! Praying that God keeps his hands tight around your future son and that he comes home with you soon! <3 Sarah
